Understanding Customer Gratification Regarding ‘Aarong’ in Dhaka City
Jarin Tasnim

Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)
Email: [email protected]

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Purpose: The inevitable important of satisfied customer for successful organization is significant. It infers Local Enterprise like Aarong to initiate the analysis of their customer satisfaction characteristics. The study has been tried to find out the extent of relation of customer expectation, perceived value, complaints and loyalty phenomenon and the impact on customer satisfaction. Methodology: A convenient sampling technique has been used to collect primary data by means of a survey, using self-administered questionnaires distributed to the respondent through Google Form. 100 Respondents have been targeted in Dhaka city to find out their satisfactory status through a structured questionnaire. The result is being analyzed by Regression and ANOVA model in SPSS 25.0. The Gratification level of customer is being very significant from the analysis. Unique Design, Product quality, brand image, advertisements, online store, membership, decreasing quality etc. are the major influencing factors for Aarong to build up customer gratification. Findings: From discussion Aarong loyal customer base is very much strong so that they should determine their bonded customer with several benefits like membership cards, coupon or gift voucher. Positive WOM and the brand equity are also very impactful for airing customer gratification. The recent complaints factors like high price low quality, fraudulence, sales representative behaviors etc. need to be undermined for more satisfied customer. Limitations: To get more consumers" behavioral insights if focused group discussion or depth interview could be conducted along with direct questionnaire survey; it would elicit more actual view. But it would be more time consuming and involve more financial investment. But it can be an avenue for further research initiation to get candid and more elaborate information. Practical Implications: The study has a number of implications for management and policy. Customers are still satisfied with Aarong products. Aarong should retain their customer; provide good value to the loyal customer. Originality/Value: In fact, multiple research activities have been conducted in abroad regarding customer satisfaction, but not a single work similar to this research topic has been done in Bangladesh regarding Aarong. Some internship reports are mostly similar for Aarong customer awareness or loyalty. But there is no research on it. Researcher"s endeavor to discover customer gratification level toward Aarong need to be determined as some questions have been raised among the people about Aarong quality.