Regional Connectivity through Banglabandha Port: Opportunities and Challenges for Bangladesh
Mohammad Mobarak Hossain and Md Saddam Hossain

University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: [email protected]

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Purpose: Bangladesh should focus on trade-related activities for its sustainableeconomic development rather than remittance earnings. All kinds of connectivityplay a significant role in establishing bilateral relations, improving trade, and creatingeconomic opportunities. This paper discusses the benefits of land connectivity amongBangladesh, India, Nepal, and Bhutan through the Banglabandha port.Methodology: The study sample size was 46, among which 15 were exporters, 15were importers, 15 were clearing and forwarding agents, and one from the portauthority. Separate questionnaires collected primary data, and researchers interviewedthe respondents to get the actual scenario of the Banglabandha port. Secondarysources are used to understand the opportunities and challenges that lie in borderconnectivity with its vicinity regions.Findings: Banglabandha port is one of the strategic ports of Bangladesh, whichconnects India, Nepal, and Bhutan in a very short distance. Since the emergence ofthe port in 2014, trade has been increased among the countries through theBanglabandha port. All neighboring countries can gain from the development of theintra-network by using the port, and it will contribute to the improvement of the livingstandard for all. Bangladesh can benefit from transit facilities and increased businessscope.Limitations: This paper includes a small number of respondents which should not bethe case. However, somebody can extend future research with respondents from eachcountry (India, Nepal, and Bhutan).Practical Implications: This paper might help the countries' authority to understandthe value of the Banglabandha port for all.Originality: There are available research publications on overall connectivity amongBangladesh's neighboring countries but not on Banglabandha Port. This paper mightmotivate governments to investigate the opportunities that Banglabandha has to offer