An Analysis of Gender-Based Violence in Dhaka City
Dr. Nasrin Zahan

BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology

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Purpose: This study aims to provide a comprehensive scenario of gender-based violence in Dhaka city of Bangladesh. Some sorts of violence are so sophisticated that it is considered a familial or personal issue. So, digging out the insights of the fact is too tough but it is required to clearly understand what the driving forces of the problem are. In terms to address the problem, this study focuses on the facts beyond our eyes. Methodology: On the basis of the nature of the problem, this study has followed the snowball non-probability sampling method of a total of eighty respondents in Dhaka city. Primary data were collected through a structured, semi-structured questionnaire and in-depth interview. Moreover, secondary sources of national and international levels have been used in this study. Findings: This study found that attitudes or belief patterns encourage individuals to show such kind of negative behavior. More importantly, a family member or nearest one of the perpetrators intensely influences in support of such a heinous attitude. Besides these, social and cultural norms and factors create circumstances that induce an individual to such violent behavior. Implication: The impact of socio-economic conditions amid the covid-19 period as well as the humanitarian crisis might accelerate the existing situation of violence which has introduced a new format of violence. The study emphasizes the intensive exploratory study and will provide an insight into different types of gender-based violence as well as the detrimental effects of such heinous behavior patterns. So, it will provide a better understanding and intensity of the problem. Originality: Although innumerable studies of gender-based violence have been published, underlying causes are not properly focused on. Therefore, it would obviously help for further study as well as policymaking. Limitation: In the context of a patriarchal society like Bangladesh, women are compelled to be submissive and silent in facing violence due to prevalent social and cultural norms and conditions. So, it is too difficult and time-consuming to reveal the underlying causes of gender-based violence.