Personality and Its Effects on Performance: A Study on Management Level Employees in Ready Made Garments Industry of Bangladesh
Mohammed Masum Billah

Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology
Email: [email protected]

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Human resource is the key element of organizational success and manager is the key person wholeads all of the employees towards the organizational goal. The performance of a manager mostly depends on the personality of the manager. In this study, the author used big five factor modelof personality and 360 degree feedback method to examine the relationship between managers’ personality and its relationship with managers’ performances. Extraversion and openness to experience dimensions of personality had no significant relation with managers’ performances. However, conscientiousness, emotional stability and agreeableness had significant relation with managers’ performance in the garments sector of Bangladesh. The managers who had higher level of conscientiousness and emotional stability were likely to perform well but the scenario was different for agreeableness dimension of personality. Agreeableness was negatively correlated with managers’ performance. The study revealed that the high performance manager had lowlevel of agreeableness and low performance manager had high level of agreeableness. To enhance performance in the garments sector, managers need to be conscientious (dependable, trustworthy), emotionally stable (self-confident) and less agreeable (innovative and bargainer).