Good Governance in Private Universities of Bangladesh: A Study of Higher Education
Dr. Md. Moazzom Hossain

Registrar, Hamdard University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: [email protected]

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Good governance is a universal imperative issue for the development of higher education. The fact is also evaluated similarly in private higher education sectors in Bangladesh. The Private University Act 2010 has been made provisions of sufficient organs and authorities to ensure good governance in higher education i.e. Ministry of Education (MOE), University Grants Commission (UGC), Board of Trustees (BOT), Syndicate, Academic Council (AC), Finance Committee (FC), Teachers Selection Committee (TSC), Disciplinary Committee (DC), Course & Curriculum Committee (CCC), Officers Selection Committee (OSC) & the officers of University. The Act also defines the formations & functions of these committees. The objectives of this research are to find out good governance in private universities of Bangladesh through the functioning and limitations of the organs with proper recommendations. In the study, it is found that the higher authorities of GOB regarding private university-MOE and UGC are not so much concerned in policy formulations, implementations, and co-ordinations about private university. The internal organs of the university are functioned at a level for ensuring good governance, but overall they cannot run the functioning properly. Good governance is hampered by the lack of participation, lack of transparent rules and regulations, lack of accountability, lack of consensus decisions, and biased motives of the founding authority. The field study has been made on the three (3) private universities of Bangladesh-Feni University, Bangladesh Army University of Science & Technology, Saidpur, and Hamdard University Bangladesh.