Financial Aid Policy

BUFT offers a wide range generous scholarships on the following policies:

Merit Scholarship


The following students will be awarded 50% merit scholarship (tuition fee waiver) at entry level for BSc/BBA programs subject to maintenance of minimum GPA of 3.75 in only in first semester of BUFT examination:



Candidates scoring GPA 5.00 (excluding 4th subject) in the most recent SSC and HSC examinations, or


Candidates scoring 5 ‘A’ in O’Level (at one sitting) and 3 ‘A’ in A’Level (in one year)


BUFT graduates, seeking admission in the MBA/MSc/MA programs with CGPA 4.00, will be awarded 25% merit scholarship (tuition fee waiver) upon his/her admission subject to maintenanace of GPA of 3.75 in each semester of BUFT examinations.

BDT. 7 crore spent on Scholarship and Tuition Waiver

In 2022, BUFT distributed over 7 crore Taka to meritorious, freedom fighters’ children and poor but meritorious students.

Tuition Fee Waiver


BUFT students of the Graduate/Undergraduate programs will be entitled to get tuition fee waiver as described below:


Top 3 (three) scorers in the Admission Test (with min. score of 75%) of BUFT will be awarded 50% waiver on their tuition fees subject to maintenance of minimum CGPA of 3.75 in each semester.


50% waiver subject to maintenance of GPA 4.00 in two consecutive semesters.


BUFT will follow UGC Policy of 100% waiver to be awarded to the Children of the Freedom Fighters and Poor but Meritorious students of remote area of Bangladesh subject to fulfillment of the following conditions:

(i) Orginal Certificate of Freedom Fighter must be produced by the guardian of the student.

(ii) original certificate from Upazila/Union Council Chairman must be produced by the students.

(iii) Students have to maintain at least CGPA 3.0 in each academic semester final examination of BUFT.


25% tuition fee waiver will be awarded to the Siblings/Couples and Tribal students subject to fulfillment of the following conditions:

(i) Original certificate from Upazila Chairman must be produced by the Tribal students.

(ii) Students have to maintain at least CGPA 3.0 in each semester final examination of BUFT.

Admission Test Waiver


Candidates having GPA 5.00 excluding 4th subject marks in the SSC and HSC exams or 5 ‘A’ in O’Level (at one sitting) and 3 ‘A’ in A’Level (in one year) will be allowed to get admission without appearing the admission test.

Scholarship on Academic/Humanitarian Ground


Scholarship/Tuition fee waiver to the students on Academic/Humanitarian ground will be considered on the recommendation of the BUFT authority depending on the merit of the individual case. Students must mainatin good result in each semester.

Scholarship on Special Ground


Scholarship/Tuition fee waiver to the students will be considered on special ground at the discretion of the Chairman, Board of Trustees of BUFT.

Students will be considered for any of the above mentioned Tuition Fee Waiver/Scholarship at one time as applicable. Students must apply for scholarship/tuition fee waiver within a given time-frame as decided by the BUFT authority.

Eligible students should sign in for application.