Royal University, University of Rajshahi, Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the reality of practices of BangladeshLabor Act (BLA) in protecting the rights of women employees in the Ready-Made Garment(RMG) industry in Bangladesh. Moreover, this study finds the barriers in promoting genderequality in the workplace particularly in the sector under study.Methodology: This study follows interpretative paradigm, qualitative in nature and cross-sectional in data collection. Using convenient sampling technique 20 women employees fromdifferent RMG factories are interviewed in Mirpur, Dhaka. Through the content analysis of thedata obtained from the interviews, the reality and accuracy of constructs, sub-variables, anditems are examined.Findings: The findings of the study depicted that most of women workers have limitededucational qualification and they also have the limitations in the knowledge regardingdifferent provisions of BLA. All provisions specially related to women rights in the workingplace are not fully applied in RMG sectors. Gender discrimination is very common here incase of supervision, wages, and overtime facilities. Maternity leave, which is not enforcedaccording to the law, was one of the major violations of rights mentioned by all of the womenworkers interviewed.Practical Implications: The practical implication of this study is to make awareness amongthe women employees regarding their rights according to the BLA and fill up theirdiscrepancies by the stakeholders (i.e. management, owner, government agents). This studyfills the gap in the literature regarding the reality of gender inequality practices in the workingplace particularly in the RMG sector in Bangladesh.Originality: The researchers focus on the provisions of BLA, 2006 and their practices inwomen employees’ rights protection in Bangladesh in workplace particularly in the context ofRMG industry in Bangladesh along with the barriers hindering the practicing of suchprovisions which are not earlier studied so far.Limitations: The implicit assumption that the study’s conclusions would not be applicable toall industries because data were collected solely from small RMG industrial zone. In this studyonly women employees were included its sample. Moreover, quantitative or mixed-methods isabsent in this study. Jagannath University Purpose: This study aims to examine the effect of external reserves on economic growth in
Bangladesh so that the government of Bangladesh can focus on different external reserves
management policies which would benefit the economy most.
Methodology: This study is based on the Autoregressive Distributed Lag – Bound test method
of econometric analysis using annual time-series data from the period 1974 to 2019. Data are
collected from the World Development Indicators and the International Monetary Fund
Findings: The study results confirm the existence of a long-run relationship between external
reserves and economic growth in Bangladesh. The study findings show that foreign reserves
positively impact economic growth, after controlling the influences of other factors such as
trade openness, external debt and exchange rate.
Practical Implications: The research findings will be a useful source of information for the
government of Bangladesh to take better external reserves policy that would benefit the
economy. This study will also enlarge the body of existing literature on external reserves in
Originality: This research expands on earlier findings which overlook incorporating the major
determinants of economic growth and the ability to accumulate foreign reserves such as
exchange rate, external debt and trade openness. This study also uses a long span of data and
unique econometric methodology to investigate the long-run impact of foreign reserves on
economic growth.
Limitations: Major study limitations include a lack of previous research studies on the issue
for Bangladesh and limited access for collecting data on relevant covariates. BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology Purpose: In recent years, the concept of social-based business ventures has acquired
significant momentum in Bangladesh even though the public acceptance rate remains low. The
current study aims to investigate business graduates’ behavioural intention to start social-based
business ventures as their future careers through the lens of social vision, risk-taking motive,
and attitude.
Methodology: Data were collected through an online-based survey method from 367 students
studying in business programs at the university level in Bangladesh. To analyzed the collected
data and examined the proposed relationships in the conceptual model, PLS-based SEM was
Findings: The results explore that Business Graduates’ risk-taking motive and social vision
have a direct influence on their attitude towards starting social-based business ventures and an
indirect influence on their intention to start a social-based business as a future career.
Practical Implication: The findings contribute to the body of knowledge in social business
literature as well as can be a source of policy implications for young entrepreneurs who
intends to adopt social-based ventures as a future career.
Originality: This research has made a significant contribution to the body of knowledge in the
attitude-behavior paradigm (e.g., the theory of planned behavior) in social-based business
Limitations: The sample size for this research was minimal, therefore, further study is
recommended to include a large sample from the same population to generalize the findings.
1. Introduction Islamic University of Technology, University of Dhakagy Purpose: The study aims to identify the perception of the independent director inBangladesh’s banking sector and the concept and implications in different developingcountries and international standards by reviewing existing literature justifying theoreticalcontribution.Methodology: Listed 32 banks of Dhaka Stock Exchange are included as a population where36 respondents from 6 listed banks as a broad stakeholder group are interviewed throughconvenience and snowballing technique. The study is descriptive with content analysis tojustify the understanding of previous studies about the independent director.Findings: Considering Bangladesh as a South Asian developing country, this study indicatesdifferences in corporate governance infrastructure, independent director policies and practiceswith family orientation, policy coordination and implementation related to other developingcountries of South Asia, and international standards. Moreover, the findings expressedsomewhat different perceptions and challenges independent directors faced in an actualsituation in Bangladesh’s banking sector.Practical Implication: This study might help identify the accurate perception of theindependent directors and trends and challenges in Bangladesh’s banking sector. The reportmight guide code formulators and policy coordinators to understand why and how the policiesaddressing independent directors’ rules and responsibilities should look in Bangladesh’sbanking sector.Originality: There is no such previous study highlighting this issue. Now it urges the need tounderstand the perception of the concept of independent director among the broad stakeholdergroups of the banking sector of Bangladesh to identify whether the actual scenario andpolicies are aligned or questionable.Limitations: This paper includes a small number of respondents which should not be the case.Here, only the listed 32 banks of DSE are included as a population where 36 respondents from6 listed banks as a broad stakeholder group are interviewed through convenience andsnowballing technique which is not mentioned here as the data has confidentiality issue and isnot found in the archival. University of Dhaka Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the financial health of the selected listed
companies in the textile industry of Bangladesh during the first fiscal year of the COVID-19
Methodology: Financial health of 30 listed companies in the textile industry of Bangladesh
has been determined through a popular bankruptcy model named the Altman Z Score model.
The impact of a few variables of this model has also been further analyzed.
Findings: The study reveals that the financial health of the 30 companies deteriorated during
the COVID year (2019-2020) than it was in the previous 3 fiscal years. Furthermore, to
understand the changes in the factors related to the calculation of the Z-score we have
analyzed Net Sales, EBIT, Current Assets, Current Liabilities, Net Working Capital, NonCurrent Assets, Non-Current Liabilities, Retained Earnings, Total Liabilities, Debt to Asset
Ratio, Total Asset & Market Value of the 30 sample firms across the FY 2016/17 to FY
2019/20, the result of which also shows the evidence of diminishing financial health of the
companies during the COVID Year (2019-2020).
Practical Implications: The findings of this study can be useful for the investors to make
investment decisions, for the managers and analysts to identify the significant variable for
financial growth, and for other stakeholders to comprehend the financial health of the textile
industry of Bangladesh.
Originality: No other contemporary study has used the Altman Z Score and analyzed the
variables of the model further to determine the impact of COVID-19 on the financial health of
the textile industry of Bangladesh. This study provides detailed quantitative results from the
statistical analysis such as the T-test as well as the implication of the Altman Z Score Model.
Limitations: This study has used a quantitative model to measure the impact of COVID-19 on
the textile industry of Bangladesh hence there are further scopes to explore the impact of the
pandemic through analyzing a few qualitative aspects such as Government policies, Customer
Behaviour, etc. University of Dhaka Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the role of cultural distance in China’s trade
dispute participation with trading countries. China’s increased engagement in WTO trade
dispute settlement with culturally dissimilar trade partners has drawn worldwide attention and
has a substantial impact on global trade.
Methodology: Using panel probit model, and a comprehensive hand-collected dataset
consisting of WTO trade disputes data, Hofstede cultural dimensions, other trade and
macroeconomic data between China and its 110 trading partners from 2001 to 2019, empirical
analysis have been conducted. To check robustness of the main results also used alternative
models and culture data.
Findings: The findings indicate that China’s cultural distance with trading partners increase
their trade disputes probability. Moreover, the empirical results also evidenced that China can
be involved in trade disputes with culturally distinct high- and middle-income trade partners.
Countries under Belt and Road Initiative program and having FTA with China are less likely
to be involved in trade disputes.
Practical Implications: This study provides a useful reference to trading countries about the
cultural distinctness of China and its role in disputes activities that should be considered
carefully. The policy makers should consider the cultural distinctiveness of China while
conducting trade related activities.
Originality: The key contribution of this paper is to provide a connection between China’s
trade disputes and cultural distance, and also provide empirical evidence that cultural distance
is significant determinant of China’s trade disputes with trading partners.
Limitations: This study focuses on China’s trade conflicts with its trading partners. For further
research, other cultural distance metrics and cultural data sources can be investigated.
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology Purpose: Employee retention (ER) has become a significant component in affecting the
organization’s competitive performance through Organization Citizenship Behavior (OCB).
The primary purpose of the present study is to determine the effects of OCB on expert staff
retention and organizational performance (OP) in the banking industry.
Methodology: This study was primarily conducted using a survey research method. A total of
390 bankers were conveniently selected from various branches of the top 15 DSE-listed banks
according to their EPS in 2020. The survey was completed with a structured questionnaire
using Google Forms (73.08%), with some face-to-face personal interviews (26.92%)
conducted by the researchers. The data was analyzed using SPSS and Smart-PLS.
Findings: According to the SEM analysis, the study found that employee retention directly
impacts OCB and OP, while OCB has a mediated effect on ER and OP.
Limitations: This study was conducted based ona survey method that showed the actual
opinion of the employees of the organization, but it would be more generalized if it were based
on data and methodological triangulation (data from different sources with multiple methods),
which has not possible because of researcher personal limitations (e.g., time and data access).
Hence, this study highlights the need for more research in this area.
Practical Implications: The present study can suggest the appropriate strategies to improve
OCB for retaining expert employees within their respective organizations and provides
structured HR policy on evidence of organizational success. It is hoped that this research will
raise managers’ understanding of the retention process.
Originality: Paper bridges the disciplines of strategic human resource management and
organizational behavior and brings in OCB as an additional mediator in organizational
performance. Through OCB, the researcher shows the direct and indirect relationship between
employee retention and organizational performance. Department of Accounting and Information Systems, Begum Rokeya University Purpose: Remittance has become one of the most important sources of foreign currency
inflows toward lower- and middle-income countries. Every year its significance is increasing
both in size and in growth rate. Now, as it is evident that this has stumbled amid the
worldwide outbreak of the Novel Corona virus pandemic, trying to find out how much this
strike may hamper economies, this study attempts to observe the impacts of personal
remittances on economic growth using panel data consisting of 102 countries from 1998-2018.
Methodology: To analyze the data collected from World Bank and IMF for this study, the
fixed effects multiple regression model has been used.
Findings: For all the countries in the sample there found a weak relationship between
remittances and growth, but the coefficients are statistically insignificant. The same goes for
the question of whether there is any non-linearity in the effect of personal remittances. Also,
the effects of remittances on economic growth don’t change with the countries’ level of
Practical Implications: These outcomes imply that personal remittances don’t invariably
affect economic growth but need proper policy support and wise usage to be usefully affecting
growth which has important practical implications for policymakers and future studies on
Limitations: Some of the highest remittances receiving countries could not be included in this
study due to the unavailability of necessary data. Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market; Jahangirnagar University Purpose: This study aims to empirically assess the rationality of Purchasing Power Parity
(PPP) theory in Developing-8 (D-8) countries. For this purpose, the data of PPP, Consumer
Price Index (CPI), and Wholesale Price Index (WPI) were used from 1990 to 2015, with
annual frequency.
Methodology: This paper attempted to set up the long-run association between the nominal
exchange rate and relative prices as opposed to old investigations. This study applies the ADF,
PP, and the recently developed KPSS test to test data stationarity, followed by a cointegration
test, granger casualty test, and vector error correction model.
Findings: Time-series properties of this study specify that the real exchange rates are
stationary for sample countries, indicating PPP holds in these countries, whereas
Cointegration results demonstrate that a strong cointegrating relationship exists among the
variables of Bangladesh and Turkey only.
Practical Implications: The findings of the study have some policy implications, which
suggest some recommendations for bilateral trade among these countries.
Originality: Findings of the paper suggest that the structure of these developing eight (D-8)
countries tends to be less diverse, and fewer economic changes occur than in developed
Limitations: Findings of this paper can vary on a different set of databases depending on the
changing p Pabna University of Science and Technology Purpose: The only objective of this research is to look at how extended components of the
marketing mix in commercial banks affect garment customer satisfaction in Bangladesh.
Methodology: A descriptive research approach was used to conduct the study. Hypotheses
derived from a conceptual framework were also put to the test to see if the effects of extended
marketing mix components on garment customer satisfaction could be proven. A constructed
questionnaire was employed in the survey section of the analysis to execute a simple random
sampling technique over 196 respondents who were garment customers. The hypotheses were
tested using correlation and regression analysis in this study.
Findings: The findings showed that the latent variables under the construct factor- Process is
very influential driver of the extended components of the marketing mix and acts as a
significant instrument along with other extracted variables to garment customer satisfaction for
the commercial banks in Bangladesh.
Practical Implications: The findings would clearly help bank management with a clearer
understanding about the important attributes of the extended components of marketing mix of
banks and their effects to develop more precise marketing strategies needed to increase more
satisfaction for the profitable segment of garment customers.
Originality: This is one of the pioneer studies in this field, to the best of the authors’
knowledge, to find out congruent attributes of extended components of marketing mix in
rendering bank services to garment customers‘ satisfaction.
Limitations: The study focuses only some commercial banks ignoring all other types of banks
operating in Bangladesh. Jagannath University, Bangladesh Purpose: The major purpose of this study is to highlight the characteristics of E-commerce
activities along with their barriers and impact on business expansion in Dhaka city.
Methodology: The study includes 4 E-commerce houses based on purposive sampling. Both
primary and secondary data are used in the study interviewing 100 respondents of Ecommerce customers.
Findings: Major findings of the study that there had been increasing trends of internet users,
Mobile users, during 2011-2021.Within the state owned commercial banks Sonali bank had
the highest number of cards followed by Agrani bank, Janata and Rupali respectively. Among
the private commercial bank Dutch Bangla had the highest position followed by Islami bank,
City bank, Brac, United Commercial bank (UCB). The study also finds that e-commerce faces
difficulties due to lack of customers’ awareness, conflict among manufacturers, whole sellers,
retailers, lack of transport & communication facilities, unfair market competition, and lack of
confidence, lack of quality products, publicity, advertisement & regulatory framework.
Practical Implications: We need more publicity & advertisement, coordination among the
stakeholders, Market research activities, analysis of SWOT Mix and formulation of strategic
approaches for sustainable business growth.
Originality: The study is an exploratory one aiming at focusing the users’ perceptions and
available operating information collected by the researcher through individual efforts. No such
parallel study has been done earlier in research arena.
Limitation: Major limitation of the study is that six years’ operational data restrict the
statistical analysis & interpretation; detailed hypotheses could not be developed due to
shortage of research studies in this sector. Department of Business Administration, East West University Purpose: In the 21st century, cloud computing is an innovative idea that has revolutionized
various sectors, IT organizations and many other organizations are shifting to the clouds
because these offer many benefits such as infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a
service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS). Also, cloud computing provides the latest
applications for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) through the Internet with minimum
start-up cost, easy sharing with remote location and pay-per-use services. According to a
survey by Euro monitor International, SMEs mainly trade small Electronic Home Appliance
(SEHA) goods, which are in general regarded luxury goods in many areas of the world,
including Bangladesh, and are increasing at a 14 percent CAGR in Bangladesh from 2009 to
2014. However, SEHA goods need to be followed up from the beginning of its production
until after sales, i.e. warranty, customer relation management, spare parts requirement and
others. Therefore, cloud computing may be used to have proper monitoring purpose.
Methodology: In this study, the TOE and DOI models were adapted and extended. Based on
qualitative research, this study developed a conceptual framework after completing qualitative
data analysis in the context of Bangladeshi SME focused on SEHA.
Findings: The results of this research developed an integrated research model based on online
interview and explored some important factors.
Practical Implications: This model aids in identifying the influences of cloud computing on
SMEs that have yet to embrace cloud services but are considering it. It is widely accepted that
SMEs should use cloud services not just to save money on administration, but also to improve
efficiency and productivity.
Originality: This research has explored the most prominent themes through online interview.
The findings of the study offer valuable themes to cloud providers, managers, and government
authorities on how to encourage the adoption of cloud computing in SME in developing
Limitation: This research developed a conceptual framework; in future this conceptual
framework will be validated to generalize the issue. Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh Purpose: To get comparative study among Classical, Neoclassical, Keynesian and Ricardian
doctrine on budget deficit and economic growth and reveal the most relevant doctrines prevail
in Bangladesh economy.
Methodology: Descriptive statistics had been utilized to reveal the relevancy of appropriate
doctrine support the real status of Bangladesh economy covering period from 2000-01 to
2020-21 fiscal years.
Findings: The study found that resolving longer term structural challenges, diversification of
exports beyond the RMG sector, graduating from LDCs to developing countries by 2026,
upper middle income countries by 2041 and developed countries by 2050 Bangladesh invested
huge amount by deficit budgeting in multiple sectors which creates crowd-out private
investment specially resources crowd-out mentioned as neoclassical doctrine and expects
crowd-in private investment and achieve satisfactory growth rate after successful completion
of various mega projects which support Keynesian doctrine.
Practical Implication: Budget deficit can increase interest rate and lowering economic
growth by crowding-out private investment according to neoclassical thought and Keynes
discloses reverse opinion of deficit budget appreciates economic growth by crowding-in
private investment. Bangladesh economy operates with both neo-classical and Keynesian
doctrine practically and got results in short-run and will get more in long-run. Economy should
run with deficit financing and govt. can reduce deficit only by earning more from improving
Tax-GDP ratio and hindering money laundering by under in-voicing and over in-voicing.
Originality: Bangladesh Govt. should invest more in Social overhead Capital (SOC) by fiscal
deficit which will induce Direct Productive Activities (DPA) and economic growth in the
Limitations: All the data are collected from secondary sources and used descriptive statistics
since it is a comparative study Department of International Business, University of Dhaka Purpose: Bangladesh is basically an agricultural country because of suitable water, soil and
weather. Agriculture plays a significant role in our economy for employment, value addition
and food safety. Thus, the aim of the study is to explore the influence of middlemen for spatial
price differences of vegetables in Bangladesh.
Methodology: The study is descriptive in nature where both primary and secondary
information has been collected to perform the survey. Dhaka, Comilla and Chittagong; these
three areas have been used for conducting survey.
Findings: The study has found that the price fluctuates significantly from one place to another
as middlemen have involvement in the distribution process of vegetables. Moreover, they
have more negotiation power when the distance is huge between the growers and customers.
This lengthy process is depriving the consumers to get the fresh vegetables within reasonable
Practical Implications: This study would be useful for the authority to judge the situation.
The concerned specialists might take necessary steps to help our customers getting fresh
vegetables within reasonable price.
Originality: The study has provided a deep insight on how distance increases the price of
vegetables by comparing two areas: Dhaka and Chittagong. Also, the study has attempted to
specify the volume of profits made by the middlemen in each stage of supply chain process.
Limitations: The paper collected information from the middlemen involved in delivering
vegetables from Comilla to Dhaka and Chittagong. Moreover, it investigated the condition of
few vegetables. Including more areas and vegetables might be helpful to get accurate result. BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology; University of Dhaka Purpose: This study explores the approaches of Bangladeshi companies towards CorporateSocial Responsibility (CSR) in terms of their perception of ethical issues in conductingbusinesses and the forms and scale of their CSR activities.Methodology: The methodology components of this exploratory study are: an extensiveliterature review, identification of the issues and dimensions of CSR in business firms,development of data collection tools, conducting the survey and interviews, and dataprocessing and analysis.Findings: Most companies are observed to view CSR as philanthropic donations andcharitable work. Their CSR activities do not serve the interests of all stakeholders. They alsodo not have an organizational structure of CSR planning and implementation. Companiesother than those in the banking sector do not have CSR budget.Practical Implications: The study is expected to benefit the stakeholders of Bangladeshicompanies and the policy makers to review the CSR activities of companies and to upgradetheir CSR planning and performance.Originality: The study shows how Bangladeshi companies deal with CSR responsibilities andsuggests that further studies are required in the light of findings from the literature review andthe analysis of the current CSR practices of these companies. The study emphasizes theimportance of ethics in considering issues like social norms and standards, the interests ofstakeholders such as pays and benefits to employees, workplace environment and safety,product safety and norms in accounting, finance and marketing, whistle blowing, environmentconservation and payment of taxes to government.Limitations: Company executives are reluctant in disclosing their budgets and expenditures inphilanthropic activities. It was difficult to assess the position of many companies because theirexecutives lacked clear understanding of the concept and practices of CSR. Department of International Business, University of Dhaka Purpose: This study plans to identify the competitive business position of Jamdani Saree and
Jamdani accessories of Bangladesh and also investigates the specific reasons of export decline
of Jamdani and its diversified products in the recent years.
Methodology: This qualitative research has used Braun & Clarke (2006) thematic technique
along with Michel E. Porter‘s (1979) five forces of competitive position analysis to analyze,
cross & develop the themes and identify the research objectives.
Findings: Findings of the first objective revealed that Jamdani holding medium competitive
advantages over others products among its industry. Another objective, identified some
specific causes of export decline such as coordination gap among players, unaware about
buyer‘s tastes, complex export procedures, lack of incentives, shortage of skilled weavers, low
product diversification, lack of capitals and insufficient promotional activities.
Practical Implications: Jamdani export was contributing significantly even in the FY2011-
2012, after that its official export volume has declined at such a rate that no record of export
of Jamdani and its diversified products has found in the list of Export Promotion Bureau of
Bangladesh. This study will give insights to the policy makers and stakeholders to solve the
identified problems of this sectors thus open way for increasing the export of Jamdani
Originality: In spite of being a GI product in Bangladesh, there were conducted few research
on Jamdani and none of them related on the potentiality of Jamdani as business products and
also no research investigated the export decline reasons of Jamdani from Bangladesh in the
recent years.
Limitation: Though this study has tried to include all stakeholders but due to complexities
created by Covid-19, some stakeholders were missed. Department of International Business, University of Dhaka Purpose: This study evaluates whether food security is a genuine case for public stockholding
of rice in Bangladesh and whether the country should make the most of the G-33 proposal as
an eligible signatory.
Research Methodology: Using a qualitative research approach with descriptive statistics, this
study analyses Bangladesh’s food security, food self-sufficiency, existing public stockholding
policy, and the potential impact of public stockholding of rice on production, market prices,
and agricultural trade of Bangladesh.
Findings: The findings show that Bangladesh is still positioned at the “serious” hunger level
and could not achieve sustainable food self-sufficiency. At various crises, Bangladesh relies
on the international market to supplement the required amount of rice, which justifies its rice
stockholding for food security. Therefore, this study finds a legitimate ground for Bangladesh
to exceed the current de minimis limit set under the AoA and use the provisions of the G-33
proposal only as an interim solution.
Practical Implications: This study outlines the legitimate ground for adopting the G-33
proposal of public stockholding for food security in Bangladesh.
Originality: This study also extends the theoretical base of the G-33 proposal for Least
Developed Countries (LDCs), which are currently non-signatory of this proposal but requires
more government support for food security in the country.
Limitations: More in-depth research is required to quantify Bangladesh’s new de minimis
limit if the country wishes to adopt the G-33 proposal as an interim solution. Faculty of Business Studies, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University Purpose: The study was an endeavor to find the effects of cyber bullying on female students
in their health and education. Additionally, to assess the degree of cyber bullying, nature of
cyber bullying, knowledge and awareness cyber bullying and finally find some ways to
eradicate the consequences of cyber bullying in university.
Methodology: A well-structured questionnaire survey was conducted among 375 female
students. Two portions in the questionnaire are demographic characteristics and student
bullying questionnaire. The second portions includes: Cyber bullying 8 items, Symptom
Experience 5 items, Education success achievement 8 items. The data were analyzed using
SPSS: 24. Some inferential statistics were used for analysing the data like factor analysis,
descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, regression analysis.
Findings: The present study reveals that cyber bullying, symptom experience, and education
success achievements are moderately correlated. The model of the summery study suggests
that cyber bullying infer symptom experience and education, success and achievement.
Practical Implications: Female students of this university are facing these acute issues which
are creating psychological problem and academic performance barrier. The study suggests
awareness to victims, students, teachers, administrations, policymakers, and concerns to
address and eradicate the serious issues.
Originality: This study is a first endeavor in the sampled university and one of the very few
in the country. This study finds that great rate of cyber bullying in university context on
female students are occurring.
Limitations: The study only confined to only one university. The self-reported questionnaire
data were collected. BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology Purpose: This study aims to provide a comprehensive scenario of gender-based violence in
Dhaka city of Bangladesh. Some sorts of violence are so sophisticated that it is considered a
familial or personal issue. So, digging out the insights of the fact is too tough but it is required
to clearly understand what the driving forces of the problem are. In terms to address the
problem, this study focuses on the facts beyond our eyes.
Methodology: On the basis of the nature of the problem, this study has followed the snowball
non-probability sampling method of a total of eighty respondents in Dhaka city. Primary data
were collected through a structured, semi-structured questionnaire and in-depth interview.
Moreover, secondary sources of national and international levels have been used in this study.
Findings: This study found that attitudes or belief patterns encourage individuals to show
such kind of negative behavior. More importantly, a family member or nearest one of the
perpetrators intensely influences in support of such a heinous attitude. Besides these, social
and cultural norms and factors create circumstances that induce an individual to such violent
Implication: The impact of socio-economic conditions amid the covid-19 period as well as
the humanitarian crisis might accelerate the existing situation of violence which has
introduced a new format of violence. The study emphasizes the intensive exploratory study
and will provide an insight into different types of gender-based violence as well as the
detrimental effects of such heinous behavior patterns. So, it will provide a better
understanding and intensity of the problem.
Originality: Although innumerable studies of gender-based violence have been published,
underlying causes are not properly focused on. Therefore, it would obviously help for further
study as well as policymaking.
Limitation: In the context of a patriarchal society like Bangladesh, women are compelled to
be submissive and silent in facing violence due to prevalent social and cultural norms and
conditions. So, it is too difficult and time-consuming to reveal the underlying causes of
gender-based violence. Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Malaysia Purpose: The ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic has caused a new period in the efficacy of the
food supply chain, while the repercussions of this brand-new age on humanity, the economy,
and the food market are still under examination in Bangladesh. For example, food safety and
security are crucial elements of food systems that are directly influenced.
Methodology: To offer historical and contextual evidence on Bangladesh and other COVID
affected countries’ nutrition and food sanctuary, we evaluated current papers, published
pamphlets, and relevant grey literature
Findings: This evaluation summarizes food protection during upsurges and pandemics before
carrying on panic buying, food scarcities, and rate spikes observed throughout the present
situation. The importance of food strength and the requirement for dealing with concerns
connected to food loss and food waste is highlighted in the testimonial in the direction of food
safety and lasting advancement.
Practical Implication: As a outcome, the Pandemic has revealed that our food systems are
vulnerable. Considering that the international population and urbanization will expand in the
coming decades, pandemics will likely happen more often, and climate change will intensify.
As a result, there is a requirement to guarantee that our food systems are more sustainable and
Originality: This study highlighted the demand to create contingency plans and reduction
methods that would allow more quick feedback to extreme events and transform the food field
by making it more buoyant. East West University, Bangladesh Purpose: The research studied the users perception regarding different aspects of herbal
medicine in Bangladesh. It provides the popularity, availability and affectivity of herbal
medicine that would benefit both the consumer and the manufacturer.
Methodology: The empirical study made use of primary data collected through a structured
questionnaire that measured users perception regarding 19 specific aspects of herbal
medicines. By using convenient sampling technique 157 herbal medicine users are
Findings: The study noted that the herbal medicine users prefer herbal medicine over other
medicines, believed to use it in future, refer herbal medicine to others, and use it for chronic
diseases. They witnessed that the herbal medicine has fewer side effects, made of natural
ingredients, and is comparatively cheaper. They noted that the herbal products are easily
available and accessible. They happily use it for common diseases and feel that the medicines
should be available in public pharmacies. The users opined that the herbal medicines meet
their expectations, makes fast recovery, as well as content with the knowledge of the
Practical Implications: The research gave insight about the marketability, popularity, and
customer retention regarding herbal medicine. The overall positive perception signifies an
opportunity for the marketers of herbal medicine in Bangladesh.
Originality: Herbal medicine is a globally recognized medication formula. The practice of
herbal medicine in Bangladesh is deeply rooted, consistent with our culture, and has
flourished vastly. This study is a value-addition in this field.
Limitations: The absence of sample frame made it a little difficult to choose the respondents.
Also, accessibility is a problem in the study.
The Rights of Women Employees under Bangladesh Labor Act: The Case of Ready-Made Garment Industry in Bangladesh
Samir Bhadra, Mir Mokaddesh Ali, Md. Mahabub Alam, Mst. Zinnat Rehena and Md. Shawan Uddin
Email: [email protected]
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External Reserves and Economic Growth in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis Using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag– Bound Testing Approach
Soma Bhattacharjee
Email: [email protected]
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Kick-off Your Future Career with Social based-Business Start-up: An Empirical Study on Business Graduates’ Behavioral Intention
Dr. Md. Kamrul Hasan, Farhana Karim and Nashid Bintey Hayder
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Concept of Independent Director in South Asian Developing Countries: The Case of Banking Sector in Bangladesh
Farjana Nasrin and Mohammad Mobarak Hossain
Email: farjana14nasrin
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Impact of the COVID-19 on the Textile Industry of Bangladesh: Is there an Ensuing Disaster?
Md. Tarek Hossain, Asif Asgar, Md. Jamil Sharif
Email: m.tarek [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
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Does Cultural Distance Matter in China’s Trade Disputes?
Fahmida Mostafiz and Dr. Abul Khayer
Email: fahmida@; akhayer@
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Mediation Effects of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Expert Employee Retention and Organizational Performance in the Banking Industry
Dr. Mohammad Mizenur Rahaman, Sakufa Chowdhury and Shamim Al Aziz Lalin
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
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Impacts of Personal Remittances on Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis
Md. Ashanuzzaman
Email: [email protected]
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Purchasing Power Parity in Developing – 8 Countries: Evidence from Time Series Data
S. M. Kalbin Salema and Mohammad Nazmul Islam
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
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The Extended Components of Service Marketing Mix and Its Effects on Garment Customer Satisfaction in Banks
Dr. Md. Redwanuzzaman
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Role of E-commerce Practices on Business Expansion: Observation in Dhaka City
Dr. Md. Shakawat Hossain
Email: [email protected]
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A Conceptual Model for Cloud Computing Adoption: A Case Study on Bangladeshi SMEs Focused on Small Electronic Home Appliance
Dr. Mohammad Masudur Rahman and Dr. Mohammad Naveed Ahmed
Email: masudur@
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Comparative Study among Classical, Keynesian, Neo-Classical and Ricardian Equivalence Hypothesis (REH) Doctrines Regarding Budget Deficit and Economic Growth in Bangladesh Economy: A Study
Abdul Jalil Pathan and Shahed Ahmed
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
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Spatial Price Differences of Vegetables: The Role of Middlemen in Bangladesh
Mouri Mehtaj and Dr. Belayet Hossain
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
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Corporate Social Responsibility: An Assessment of Approaches of Bangladeshi Companies
S. M. Mahfuzur Rahman and Hazera Akter
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
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Analyzing the Competitive Business Position of Dhakai Jamdani and Investigating the Export Decline Reasons of it in the Recent Years
Pallabi Biswas and Sadia Binte Rahman
Email: [email protected]
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An Evaluation of G-33 Proposal of Public Stockholding for Food Security in the Least Developed Countries: A Case Study on Bangladesh
Saiful Islam
Email: [email protected]
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The Interactions and Effects of Cyber Bullying on Physical Wellbeing and Academic Success and Achievements: A Study on Female Students of University
Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Bushra Rahman Zarin, Md. Alamgir Hossain and Rafia Akhtar
Email: [email protected]
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An Analysis of Gender-Based Violence in Dhaka City
Dr. Nasrin Zahan
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COVID-19 Pandemic: Influences on Food Safety and Security in Bangladesh
Dr. Rafatul Haque Rishad, Dr. Valliappan Raju, Dr. Rezian-na Muhammed Kassim and Norhaniza AL
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Users’ Perception of Herbal Medicine in Bangladesh
Muhammad Ziaulhaq Mamun
Email: [email protected]
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BUFT Journal of Business and Economics (BJBE) is an annual peer reviewed journal published by Faculty of Business Studies of BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology (BUFT). The BJBE is intended to be the university’s journal for publishing full-length state-of-the-art research papers, reviews, case studies related to all areas of Business and Economics.
Journal Scope & FocusThe BUFT Journal of Business and Economics (BJBE) publishes original research across all the major fields of Business and Economics such as;
Human Resources
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Organizational Behavior
Information Systems
International Business
Project Management
Strategic Management
Business and Marketing
Organization Studies
National Resources Management
Crisis Management
Information Technology Management
Technology Management
Industrial Management
Health and Safety Management
Executive Management
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Business Ethics and Law
Social Sciences
Arts & Literature
BJBE is a refereed journal. All papers considered appropriate for this journal are reviewed anonymously by at least one outside reviewer. The review process usually takes 3-4 weeks. The primary criterion for publication in the journal is the significance of the contribution that an article makes to the literature in the business, economic and social science area. The acceptance decision is made based upon an independent review process that provides critically constructive and prompt evaluations of submitted manuscripts. Readers of this peer-reviewed publication include primarily, but not exclusively faculty members, academicians, researchers, professionals, practitioners, educationists, programmers, developers, managers, executives, and policymakers.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available after publication on the BJBE website to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
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