Impact of Various Influential Groups in Career Choice and Job Selection: A Study on Manufacturing Sector of Bangladesh
Umma Tanila Rema, Nuzhat Islam

BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology(BUFT)
Email: [email protected]

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Purpose : Choosing a career is vital for every individual as people spend a large part of their life by working. The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of different influential groups on choosing the career of an individual and assess the priority of the individuals regarding job selection. Methodology: As this paper is based on primary data, the data has been collected through a questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS. Findings: From the study, it is found that relationship exists between gender and various influential parties like family members, colleagues/mentors, classmates, etc. It also reveals that nowadays males are more likely to be influenced by their friends and classmates in choosing their career, whereas the role of a family member in career determination plays a vital role for females. Furthermore, in the second hypothesis, it has been proved that there is a significant relationship between priority in selecting job and gender. Here it has been found that both male workers are mainly inclined by the image of the organization but female workers tend to influenced by the location of the organization in case of selecting a job. Limitation: It would be better if we could collect more peoples’ insights through interview along with questionnaire survey. But it will be more time consuming. But it can be avenue for further research initiation for more elaborate information. Implication: This paper will be helpful for the HR manager to formulate the job circular with motivating information in terms of gender. Originality/Value: In the previous research works, the influence of classmates and friends in career choice are been ignored while this paper reveals it.