Tennyson’s Treatment of Dissimilar Concept of Life in his Two Mythical Poems –Ulysses and The Lotos-Eaters
Md. Abdur Rashid

Assistant Professor, Department of English, Britannia University, Comilla, Bangladesh

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Myths and legends have always been used in framing artistic structure of literary works. In this connection, Alfred Lord Tennyson’s two mythical poems - “ Ulysses? and “ The Lotos-Eaters?present two contradictory states of human nature. In “ Ulysses? the hero represents the mood of restlessness and action; on the other hand in “ The Lotos-Eaters? the same hero along with hissailors are tired in life and willing to enjoy rest forgetting the weariness of past life. This paperis an attempt to explore ‘action’ and ‘inaction’ in the two pair poems - Ulysses and The Lotos–Eaters respectively. Further the paper focuses on the original myth of Ulysses and Tennyson’sown treatment with the same to express the dissimilar concepts of human life for modern readers.