BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology (BUFT) Purpose: This study investigates the comparative advantage of Ready- made Garment (RMG) industry of Bangladesh compared to other major Asian competitors in the global market such as China, Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Sri Lanka and Turkey from 2013 to 2017.
Methodology: This study applies Balassa”s Index of Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) with data from World Trade Organization (WTO) database during the stated period of 2013 to 2017 to calculate the RCA index of competing economies in global clothing export. Additionally, correlation-coefficient of the clothing export of competing economies for the study period has been calculated to analyze the export pattern. Moreover, the consistency and volatility of comparative advantage measured by standard deviation and coefficient of variance of the RCA have been analyzed.
Findings: All seven competing economies display some degree of comparative advantage, the strongest display of RCA score comes from Bangladesh, followed by Cambodia. The findings exhibited that Bangladesh”s export pattern is highly undiversified to single industry compared to other Asian economies. It is also depicted that Bangladesh has been unsuccessful in grabbing the growth in global clothing export compared to Vietnam. There has been a strong negative correlation that exists between the clothing export of Bangladesh and China whereas strong correlation persists between Bangladesh and Vietnam. It has been also identified that although Bangladesh has the highest RCA among other considered economies, the volatility remains on the higher side.
Limitations: This research study has only focused on five countries trade variables. Time period of analysis of the data could also be extended.
Practical Implications: The outcomes of the analysis would be helpful in formulating export policies and identifying factors of competitiveness for selecting strategic business and industrial policy for future growth.
Originality/Value: This paper is one of the limited attempts to perform a structured investigation of competitiveness of Bangladesh and its Major Asian Competitor on clothing (RMG) trade to international markets as very limited previous studies have been conducted in this area. University of Dhaka; Daffodil International University (DIU) Purpose: This study aims to explore the employment of expatriates in the management role, the reasons and subsequent impact on the Ready Made Garment (RMG) and textile sectors of Bangladesh.
Methodology: Based on a qualitative research approach, thirty experts from three levels of management of ten different firms have been interviewed using snowball and convenience sampling.
Findings: Expatriates recruited in the top and mid-level management positions are mostly from India and Sri Lanka. Previously, they were primarily employed because of the scarcity of technical and managerial skills in Bangladesh but now are substituting the jobs that could otherwise be offered to the qualified domestic managers. High magnitude of corruption among home country managers, requisite to ensure efficiency and lack of technical skills have been cited as the prime causes of expatriates” presence. A collaborative effort from the government, owners and various stakeholders are required to change the current level of dependency on expatriates in the RMG and textile sectors of Bangladesh.
Limitations: This exploratory research requires the inclusion of more substantial datasets and more specific determinants to complete conclusive research in the future.
Practical Implications: This study outlines a holistic effort from all stakeholders in the RMG and textile sectors to reduce dependency on expatriates and create opportunities for more local employment and development of their skills and competencies.
Originality/Value: The findings of this research shed some light on the existing gap in academic research regarding the issues of expatriates working in the management position of the RMG and textile sectors of Bangladesh. University of Dhaka Purpose: The objective of this paper is to conduct an extensive literature review on Shariah Audit practiced in Islamic Financial Institutions and finding the research gap in the existing literature.
Methodology: The study is based on secondary data. The theoretical framework used in this paper is the Islamic agency theory. Shariah Audit is such a tool that can mitigate the agency problem to a great extent and thereby can ensure good governance.
Findings: Shariah Audit provides higher level of assurance by following the rules and regulations of Islamic Shariah. Shariah is the overarching framework for Shariah Audit, which ensures all the activities of the Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) comply with Shariah. Where the conventional auditors have limited liability towards investors and creditors, Shariah Auditors have more accountability to all the stakeholders including Allah (SWT), as Muslims believe that their deeds are being watched by the Allah (Muraqabah concept). Thus, the Shariah Audit can ensure good governance. Although there are some challenges in the implementation of Shariah Audit, designing an appropriate Shariah governance framework can resolve the issues.
Limitations: The study is based on secondary data only. Primary data may provide more practical insight in the field studied here.
Practical Implications: The study can help the regulators to institutionalize this specialized filed and to develop Shariah governance framework.
Originality/Value: This is the only study that summarizes all the previous literatures related to Shariah Audit including developing country perspective. The study has suggested the avenue for further research in this area. University of Dhaka Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to find the extent of corporate governance practice impacting profitability of the manufacturing companies in Bangladesh.
Methodology: To investigate the impact, 103 firm-years have been used as a sample from the manufacturing sector of Bangladesh. Besides, Pooled OLS robust regression models have been used here to analyze.
Findings: The regression result shows that there is a significant positive relationship between female directors in the board and ROE of the company, and a significant negative relationship between family dominance in the board and ROE of the company. But the result does not show any significant relationship between corporate governance practices and ROA. However, there is a significant positive relationship between female directors in a board and EPS, and audit firm quality and EPS of the firm. There is also a significant negative relationship between family dominance in the board and EPS.
Limitations: The study is limited to some fixed industry data and time period and the results can vary if time period and industries are changed.
Practical Implications: In the paper, empirical evidence suggests that corporate governance mechanisms can be used as effective tools to improve performance of the firms, and it can help the policy makers and regulators to set regulations in the developing countries like Bangladesh. Originality/Value: The uniqueness of the paper is the industry setting, as most of the researches use the banking sector, a very highly regularized sector, to show the effect. The study has used information from manufacturing industry and it also has used more variables than the variables used in previous studies to define corporate governance. BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology(BUFT) Purpose : Choosing a career is vital for every individual as people spend a large part of their life by working. The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of different influential groups on choosing the career of an individual and assess the priority of the individuals regarding job selection.
Methodology: As this paper is based on primary data, the data has been collected through a questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS.
Findings: From the study, it is found that relationship exists between gender and various influential parties like family members, colleagues/mentors, classmates, etc. It also reveals that nowadays males are more likely to be influenced by their friends and classmates in choosing their career, whereas the role of a family member in career determination plays a vital role for females. Furthermore, in the second hypothesis, it has been proved that there is a significant relationship between priority in selecting job and gender. Here it has been found that both male workers are mainly inclined by the image of the organization but female workers tend to influenced by the location of the organization in case of selecting a job. Limitation: It would be better if we could collect more peoples’ insights through interview along with questionnaire survey. But it will be more time consuming. But it can be avenue for further research initiation for more elaborate information.
Implication: This paper will be helpful for the HR manager to formulate the job circular with motivating information in terms of gender.
Originality/Value: In the previous research works, the influence of classmates and friends in career choice are been ignored while this paper reveals it. University of Dhaka Purpose: Despite the plethora of research endeavors to identify the driving forces of economic growth this particular notion is still opaque. The major objective of this study is to identify these driving forces in the context of South Asian countries through a panel data approach using the data set constructed by economic historian Angus Maddison.
Methodology: As a baseline empirical growth model, augmented Solow model is followed for selecting major variables in the econometric analyses which include both Random effects and fixed effects models.
Findings: The regression analyses show that population growth and human capital index are statistically significant explanatory variables for economic growth. This study identifies investment in human capital as a major determinant along with expected direction of association with economic growth.
Limitations: Major limitations of this study are the sample size and assumption of exogeneity of the independent variables.
Practical Implications: This research provides further scope for more research to find out which exogenous variables cause the specific growth patterns of countries within South Asian Region as well as the robustness of the variables.
Originality: South Asian region has been chosen for its specific growth dynamics that has not been covered by previous research endeavors. BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT); Jahangirnagar University Purpose: In previous time, there were large amount of water bodies in Dhaka Metropolitan (DMP) area but due to various development activities, it has been shrinking with the passage of time. This research investigates the changes amount of water bodies in DMP area and find out how much built-up area are developed on water bodies in last 30 years.
Methodology: The Landsat satellite data of 1989, 2002 and 2019 have been generated with unsupervised classification techniques which is used here to identify the water bodies and built-up area with the help of remote sensing and GIS based software like ERDAS IMAGINE, Arc Map 10.6.
Findings: According to the study, the reduction rate of water bodies in DMP is high as the built-up area is increasing rapidly. In the last 30 years almost 2066.28 hectares water bodies are reduced while 1180.46 hectares are transformed into built-up area. Limitations: To collect the data of total water bodies in DMP area would bring more elaborate information but it would be time consuming and involved more authentic survey by related authorities.
Practical Implications: As Bangladesh is highly populous country and its urban growth is rising rapidly, the balanced urbanization program for built up area is really needed according to ecological system. The diminishing of water bodies are happening for exploitation which is an alarming concept for scarcity of fresh water and proper drainage system.
Originality/Value: Findings from this study can contribute in the urban planning, drainage planning and balancing the systems with topical processes for the eradicating the reduction rate of water bodies. BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology (BUFT) Purpose: The principal objectives of the study are to find out the contribution scenario of the leather sector towards the economic development of Bangladesh and to know the background of the leather industry, export performance, item wise contribution, country-wise export trend and contribution in GDP.
Methodology: The present study is a descriptive one and based on mainly secondary information. The data was collected from various journals, research articles, thesis papers, newspapers, online news, survey reports, and annual reports and files. In this study, a descriptive technique was adopted in tabular form, column chart, line chart, pie chart, bar chart to analyze the results and represent collected data and information.
Findings: The leather sector of Bangladesh is the second-largest export earners after the ready-made garments sector. This sector contributes enormously to the socio-economic development of Bangladesh. The research findings reveal that the export contribution of leather was 8.14% in FY 1990-91, but after that, the contribution of leather sector is decreasing, one of the main reasons is the export trade had been single-handedly driven by the RMG sector, now its share is almost 2.52% ($1.01billion) of the export earnings. The study shows that the export earnings from leather footwear were 60% growth rate in FY 2018-19 due to riding the trend of increased leather footwear exports in the United States, whereas, the contribution of processed leather and leather products is 24% and 16% respectively. The study also reveals that the leather sector is contributing significantly to the GDP. Leather items are exported from Bangladesh to about 53 countries of the world. The leather sector is also a major employer of semi-skilled or unskilled workers, directly employs around 200,000 people and around 850,000 are connected to the sector indirectly.
Limitations: I faced some difficulties for collecting data. Moreover, the study could not deliberate the reflection of statistical tools for analysis of the data. Practical Implications: The export earnings from the leather industry were in good shape before the inception of tannery relocation. But the tanneries are suffering from 2017 as the relocation hit the production of leather processing because some tanneries are not yet in operation. For improving the export performance, the study will be helpful for stakeholders, industry owners, and management, BTA, BFLLGFEA, LFMEAB and buyer’s association.
Originality/Value: The study findings clearly showed and explained the comparative position of the export trend among processed leather, leather footwear and leather goods. University of Dhaka Purpose: The main objective of the study is to investigate the differences in service quality between public and private sector healthcare systems in Bangladesh, more specifically in Tangail District. This study also tries to identify the efficiency and the rate of service utilization in both public and private sector healthcare systems.
Methodology: The comparison between public and private health care system is done based on certain criteria including availability of physicians, assurance and competence of physicians, empathy of doctors and nurses to patients, cost, public perception on cost, drug availability, emergency patient management and waiting time. We collected required data by interviewing 376 patients from different rural public and private hospitals.
Findings: The major findings of the analysis show that public hospitals are providing relatively better services than private hospitals in terms of availability of physicians, cost, perception, emergency patient management, and patients’ waiting time. On the other hand, private hospitals are performing better compared to public hospitals in terms of assurance and competence of physicians, empathy of doctors and nurses, and drug availability. However, this study documents that both sectors are suffering to meet benchmark standards in terms of quality, which requires urgent improvements. Limitations: This study is conducted based on only survey and two-sample mean test. Further test can be conducted via empirical analysis using secondary databases. Moreover, comparison of survey data with empirical data could be done to see the reliability.
Practical Implications: This study will be useful for authority and administration, especially Ministry of Health, and Family Welfare (MOHFW) to monitor the quality, and to ensure better services to patients in developing country like Bangladesh. In addition, this study also helps general people by documenting empirical evidence about current situation of medical services in both sectors. Originality/Value: This research is conducted based on patients’ responses to our questionnaire. We do believe our paper reflects real scenario of health care systems in Bangladesh. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University (BSMRSTU) Purpose: The research aims at how social media influences consumer buying behavior through the online value proposition. The study considers the integrated digital platform to be utilized for sophisticated business activities to assess the online buying behavior of consumers, which can be effective with the online value proposition. The study further aims to explore the effects of social media to improve consumer interest which can create a successful e-commerce marketplace.
Methodology: For comprehending the research outcome, the work follows deductive research approach being conclusive in nature considering a triangulation research method. Non-probability snowballing sampling technique is used to determine the significance of research. Data was collected from 150 respondents by means of a survey questionnaire and a face to face interview. Data were analyzed through regression, correlation and ANOVA. Findings: The research findings revealed positive results for the social media’ effectiveness in the e-commerce sector. Nonetheless, companies operating in Bangladesh are underestimating the opportunity of branded e-commerce development within social media. Limitations: This research suffered from a considerable amount of time & budget. Though, proper time allocation and budget can take this study further.
Practical Implications: Research the implications for the advancement of the e-commerce sector is essential to understand the further growth of social media in the e-commerce sector. All social media must be expressed more clearly so that sufficient communication tools are distributed.
Originality/Value: The research has illustrated consumer buying behavior is changing significantly through online value proposition as well as the reason behind this consequence. Therefore, the research has fulfilled the prior literature gap and maintained its originality. BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology (BUFT) Purpose: The principal objective of this study is to determine different ways of empowering and its multi-faceted impact on different employee and organizational performance parameters. To serve this purpose, an in-depth literature was reviewed.
Methodology: It is mainly a review-based article and so conclusion was drawn on the basis of the literature review by the authors.
Findings: The findings suggest that empowering employees can be done in different ways from simply thanking employees till using complicated process of work and it affects the employees and the organization profoundly. It has an impact on employees’ job satisfaction, commitment, stress level and the overall organizational output.
Limitations: The major limitation of this study is that being a review-based study it has no practical exposure and any specific field orientation.
Practical Implications: The knowledge shared in the article have two implications. The academicians can enrich their knowledge of the empowerment theories and accordingly they will be able to accommodate their knowledge when and where necessary. And secondly the managers will be able to apply the knowledge in their practices to empower their employees to ensure best output.
Originality/Value: It will enrich the knowledge of the readers through giving him/her an overview of the effect of employee empowerment on employee performance and organizational output. The mangers can follow the process of empowering while they will practice it. It will also open an opportunity for researchers to do their research on any one of the effects or processes in future. BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology (BUFT) Purpose: The main goal of this study is to analyse factors and measure the level of job satisfaction in the Islamic Banks (IBs) in Bangladesh.
Methodology: Four IBs, Islamic Bank Bangladesh Ltd., First Security Islami Bank, Al-Arafah Islami Bank, and Shahjalal Islami Bank were selected for the study. The study surveyed 200 employees of IBs of Dhaka city to determine the key influential factors that significantly influence employees’ job satisfaction. These employees were selected through a judgmental sampling method with a structured questionnaire from August to September 2019. Required data were gathered from the sample units through the survey method. SPSS version 20.0 was used to analyse the data.
Findings: The findings of the paper will contribute and create new dimensional knowledge for obtaining the banks’ development, developing the service styles and processes, and increasing employees’ job satisfaction. The research also revealed that through implementing the different influential factors such as salary, promotion, transport facilities, insurance benefits, working environment, holidays, working hours, incentives, provident fund, and medical allowances, the overall job satisfaction of the bank’s employees’ increases. So, it can be said that for practicing human resources policies and strategies in the Islamic banks both the banks and employees are benefited.
Limitations: Every research work may have, in a wide sense, some limitations and the completed study is not exception in this regard. In fact, sampling is a recognized technique of conducting any research in contemporary world, specially, in social science. The study was only on 4 Islamic Banks of Dhaka city, though there are other Islamic and Conventional Banks in Bangladesh. The result of the study which is drowning by the sampling method is not cent percent rigorous and it can represent average output of a concerned fact. However, it is expected that a little variation would not affect much of the overall findings of the study.
Practical Implications: The overall, job satisfaction of employees serves as input for the continuous development of human resource practices in the banking industry of Bangladesh.
Originality/Value: This study will add value to the banking industry of Bangladesh, especially in the Islamic banking that will help the by policy recommendation through which the industry will be able to retain employees by satisfying them toward their job. Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) Purpose: The inevitable important of satisfied customer for successful organization is significant. It infers Local Enterprise like Aarong to initiate the analysis of their customer satisfaction characteristics. The study has been tried to find out the extent of relation of customer expectation, perceived value, complaints and loyalty phenomenon and the impact on customer satisfaction.
Methodology: A convenient sampling technique has been used to collect primary data by means of a survey, using self-administered questionnaires distributed to the respondent through Google Form. 100 Respondents have been targeted in Dhaka city to find out their satisfactory status through a structured questionnaire. The result is being analyzed by Regression and ANOVA model in SPSS 25.0. The Gratification level of customer is being very significant from the analysis. Unique Design, Product quality, brand image, advertisements, online store, membership, decreasing quality etc. are the major influencing factors for Aarong to build up customer gratification.
Findings: From discussion Aarong loyal customer base is very much strong so that they should determine their bonded customer with several benefits like membership cards, coupon or gift voucher. Positive WOM and the brand equity are also very impactful for airing customer gratification. The recent complaints factors like high price low quality, fraudulence, sales representative behaviors etc. need to be undermined for more satisfied customer.
Limitations: To get more consumers” behavioral insights if focused group discussion or depth interview could be conducted along with direct questionnaire survey; it would elicit more actual view. But it would be more time consuming and involve more financial investment. But it can be an avenue for further research initiation to get candid and more elaborate information.
Practical Implications: The study has a number of implications for management and policy. Customers are still satisfied with Aarong products. Aarong should retain their customer; provide good value to the loyal customer.
Originality/Value: In fact, multiple research activities have been conducted in abroad regarding customer satisfaction, but not a single work similar to this research topic has been done in Bangladesh regarding Aarong. Some internship reports are mostly similar for Aarong customer awareness or loyalty. But there is no research on it. Researcher”s endeavor to discover customer gratification level toward Aarong need to be determined as some questions have been raised among the people about Aarong quality. BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology (BUFT) Purpose: Overall purpose of this research is to investigate the factors affecting customer satisfaction of Online Taxi Services by an online taxi services providing companies in Dhaka City. Methodology: Here, the researcher used two variables, one is independent variable (reliability, price, comfort, service quality), and (customer satisfaction) is dependent variable. Data was collected through questionnaires from 100 respondents from Dhaka city. Here researcher used SPSS V20 to get results and 5-point Likert scale.
Findings: This research found that the majority of the taxi service users are female. It is also found that the relationship between independent and dependent variables is highly significant. From correlation analysis, it concludes that the price has the most positive relationship with customer satisfaction among the four independent variables. Quality and reliability have first and second positive relationship consecutively with customer satisfaction, whereas, comfort has no significant relationship with customer satisfaction. Thus this research concludes that taxi Services Company has to develop or expand their facilities to gain customer”s satisfaction.
Limitations: The main limitation of this study is the study was carried out in Dhaka city only; which limits the generalization of the study.
Practical Implications: Here only four attributes have been used that are associated with customer satisfaction. In future researchers may additionally use other attributes that relate with the customer satisfaction. This study will facilitate the taxi companies in addition to the taxi users in Bangladesh to pick out the most charming service provider and additionally modify the existing facilities and gain overall customer satisfaction.
Originality/Value: In Bangladesh, a little research work has been done on online taxi services in Dhaka city. This research will contribute to existing literature in determining the dimensions of quality, price, comfort, and reliability stimulating customers” satisfaction while using online taxi services. BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology (BUFT) Purpose: The present study deals with the awareness level of fashion consumers toward ethical purchasing behavior in Bangladesh and also gives emphasis on finding whether fashion consumers of Bangladesh are concerned about environment friendly products or not and whether they are willing to pay more for environmental friendly quality products or not.
Methodology: Researcher has used area sampling and simple random sampling. Data has been collected from 218 respondents of Dhaka city using structured questionnaire. Z-test has been used to statistically validate several hypotheses that have drawn for this research.
Findings: Findings suggest that most of the fashion consumers are not aware about ethical purchasing behavior. According to hypothesis result most of the fashion consumers are concerned about environment and they are willing to pay more for environmentally friendly products. However, few inconsistencies have been noticed in their behavior that reveals attitude behavior gap among them.
Limitations: Focus group discussion or depth interview could be conducted along with direct questionnaire survey which could elicit more actual view. However, it can be an avenue for further research initiation to get candid and more elaborate information about the extent of consumers’ awareness level and behavioral issues toward ethical purchasing behavior.
Practical Implications: Bangladesh is highly populous country and ethical products are mostly produced here for sending to developed countries. So, if manufacturers of this country take steps to aware fashion consumers of this country along with exporting to developed countries, it will bring a sustainable environment and sustainable economic development here. Besides, it can reduce the risk like the Dutches-Venezuela diseases syndrome happening in Bangladesh.
Originality/Value: No prior significant and elaborative research work on this research topic has been done in Bangladesh. Researcher’s endeavor to discover fashion consumers’ awareness toward ethical purchasing behavior in Bangladesh as this country is exporting significant quantity of readymade garments to developed countries maintaining their product specifications/ desired ethical products.
Is Bangladesh Competent Enough to Confront Future Challenges? An Empirical Analysis of Competitiveness of Bangladesh’s Apparel Sector Compared to Major Competitors
ATM Adnan, Anindita Saha Tumpa, Prof. Md. Muinuddin Khan
Email: [email protected]
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Enrollment of Expatriates in the Ready Made Garments (RMG) & Textile Sectors of Bangladesh
Saiful Islam, Tasneem Nabila Islam
Email: [email protected]
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Shariah Audit in Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs): A Literature Review
Md. Rezaul Karim, Samia Afrin Shetu
Email: [email protected]
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The Effect of Corporate Governance Practice on Firms’ Profitability in the Manufacturing Industry of Bangladesh
Dr. Md. Jamil Sharif, Md. Ismail Hossain
Email: [email protected]
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Impact of Various Influential Groups in Career Choice and Job Selection: A Study on Manufacturing Sector of Bangladesh
Umma Tanila Rema, Nuzhat Islam
Email: [email protected]
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Assessment of Economic Growth in South Asian Countries Using Maddison’s Dataset: A Panel Data Approach
Sultana Shahreen Karim
Email: [email protected]
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Impact of Urban Expansion on Surface Water Bodies in Dhaka Metropolitan Area of Bangladesh: A Remote Sensing and GIS Based Analysis
Md. Ashraful Habib, Marzia Sultana, Faria Kabir
Email: [email protected]
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Export Trend of the Leather Industry of Bangladesh: Challenges to Sustainable Development
Md. Abdur Rakib
Email: [email protected]
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A Comparative Analysis of Quality of Health Care between Public and Private Hospitals in Bangladesh
Muhammad Shahin Miah, Abu Naser Mohammad Saif, Sultana Tahura Afrin
Email: [email protected]
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Impact of Social Media on Consumer Buying Behavior through Online Value Proposition: A Study on E-Commerce Business in Bangladesh
Md. Al Amin, Nadia Nowsin, Imran Hossain, Tapas Bala
Email: [email protected]
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Employee Empowering and Its Positive Effect: A Critical Review
Mallick Rakibul Hasan
Email: [email protected]
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Employee Job Satisfaction in the Banking Industry of Bangladesh: A Study on Islamic Banking in Dhaka City
S. M. Akterujjaman
Email: [email protected]
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Understanding Customer Gratification Regarding ‘Aarong’ in Dhaka City
Jarin Tasnim
Email: [email protected]
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Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction of Online Taxi Services in Dhaka City
Nashid Bintey Hayder
Email: [email protected]
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Awareness Level of Fashion Consumers toward Ethical Purchasing Behavior in Bangladesh
Farhana Karim
Email: [email protected]
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